Flying kites in the Caribbean

By Chris Dickey

I don’t get out much. A sad but true statement.

Between two businesses, two kids, two pets and more monthly bills than I care to even think about, my wife and I find it difficult to “get away” very often. That’s OK, mind you, for there are worse things than being “trapped” in the 81230 zip code.

But last week was Spring Break in Gunnison, and we got caught up in the town’s mass exodus. This, for Team Dickey, usually means bribing the kids to camp in the desert with offers of driving the car on deserted dirt roads. But we have an officially permitted teen driver in the house now, who can be seen legally cruising the paved streets of Gunnison today, so this elicit currency has lost considerable value.

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Gunnison Country Times

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Gunnison, CO 81230
Phone: 970-641-1414